Nalichi Vaat – Harishchandragad Monsoon Trek

Still confused. How and where to start? This trekking, I just strike with most memorable experience I got at the end of the day, Saturday. In my guides words, here it is. “Experienced flash flood like situation first time in my life during Harishchandragad nalichi vaat trek… Where dry route turned into roaring waterfalls and water level raised to up to 3 ft in less than 5 minutes.. This happened at 8 in the night.. It was completely dark in the jungle.. It was horrifying and unique situation. Another memorable experience added – Prasad.” Nothing was ever thrilling in my life before this experience. Hats off to Harishchandragad.

Trek was beautiful, horrifying, demanding, challenging, testing and tough and blah blah blah. No words. The most important thing I realized is, This trek taught me so many things. So many things I never taken much seriously before. It changed my view of judging myself. It changed me internally. I am so sure when I will be standing in those Sahyadri Hills, I would not be me, I would become one of those Hills. I want to be like it. “Mighty”. I am sure, I will cry one day – on return from the trek, that why it ended and why I couldn’t stay there? I feel this time, that hills are alive. I wanted to talk to it. I feel that Sahyadri is one of my friend now and I miss him a lot.

Well, we started our journey from Pune on Saturday morning. Reached Belpada village around 12. Prasad gave us short introduction about hill fort and our trek route. Kokankada was looking beautiful from base like cobra hood. Taking steps, one by one, we came till Nali. It was around 3pm. We were expecting two patches of vertical rock to climb. Actually faced four. So, first was much high and tough. It was getting dark when we were climbing to it. And after that, within 10 minutes it goes completely dark. We covered second patch too. Team organizers were always there to help us get through. We took torch out. Everyone was asking how much remained to climb and got only one answer – “10 / 15 minutes.” lately I realized, question is not right, right now. We have to do it. Whether it would take on hour, two hour or whole night. Just hoping that it will end soon.

And here, Rain started. Within really, five minutes, water level increased. We were crossing same path followed until, with little difference, water. Level up to knees. We could see nothing. Torch was helping a little. Taking support of trees side by, avoiding big floods, but when no option, go through it.

We took stop at waterfall. I was thinking that we would might take turn here, so everyone stopped. but… My heart stopped when I saw a waterfall in the way that, we have to climb on it. And now, no back out. It was like, “Oh My God”. I decided in mind, that I will climb first. Just to avoid fear. I was third climber and I know, I was scared to death. I reached on top, fully exhausted. But literally thrilling. Same patch could became easier if water was not there. But as unexpected, I followed Prasad for next route, and I slip. Picture of waterfall strike my mind, and I was just my god I am going to go down from where other people are climbing up. But It was little patch. So I stopped and didn’t go rolling down and down. I don’t get any injury externally, but mad me, I was holding torch in my mouth to keep my hands free while climbing, and torch – it hits inside my mouth and there bleeding started. World spins around me. I started crying. It was so painful. I took water, took two minute break. And I realize, I have to reach till tent. I grab my Didi’s hand. And after half an hour, we reached till base. Whole road I was so scared to make steps. I was just following her. Trail had ended.

I was not able to eat. Bleeding stopped around after two hours completely. It was not paining. so I tried one bite of food wishing if I could eat. And, that was my big mistake. It was horrible. Pain was straight through head. 30 people of group were around me. And again, I couldn’t stop. I get shawl around me, and burst and cried. I cried almost for two minutes. No one could do anything. After that, I didn’t even dare to take pain killer. Thinking it can make situation worse.

Trek organizers, Pooja and all girls were so nice. They took so much efforts to build a camp site. Which doesn’t last long after evening heavy rain. after rain passed, they again make it to spend night in. We were thinking ourselves lucky enough that at least got place to keep out head on. Three sisters together in one tent. Thanks to Didi to consider me for this trek. It was really supportive that I am on trek with family. Didi who takes all possible care she could take of me. She gives so many instructions before any trek and that are helpful too. And I do realized that how much that really mean. We should be prepared for any worst case situation during trek incidents.

On second day, I was just taking lemon juice, buttermilk, and juice. We came descended via Khireshwar route. It was nice day. I won’t forget Kokankada. It was really beautiful. At base village, we took lunch. I ate rice. It was simple & nice, later we were back in Pune by 7 pm on Sunday. In bus, people enjoyed a lot, me too. It was a memorable and a big learning experience.